<%= render "layouts/portlet-config" %> <%= render "layouts/theme-panel" %> <% if flash[:error] %>
× <%= flash[:error] %>
<% if @compcodes == 'KRSH37' %> <% if flash[:notice] == nil %> <% if session[:isErrorhandled]==nil %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= render "layouts/breadcrumbs" %> <%=form_tag({:action=>'create'} ,:multipart=>true,:id=>"myForms" ) do %> <% if @isUpdateInv.to_i >0 %> <% else %> <% end %>
Sale Type [*]
Bill Number
Bill Date [*]
Invoice To [*]
Ref. No.
Ship To [*]
<% if @compcodes == 'KRSH37' %> <% else %> <% end %>
Valid No.
Prod. Group
Vehicle Dtl.
Driver Dtl.
AMC Due Date
Sales Man
Disp. Mode
Bar Code
<% if @MstCompSetting if @MstCompSetting.cps_scan_serial_no!=nil && @MstCompSetting.cps_scan_serial_no!='' && @MstCompSetting.cps_scan_serial_no=='Y' %>
Scan Serial No
<% else %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% if @isActiveGdm %> <% else %> <% end %> <% k = 19 for i in 1..7 do %> <% k = k+i; %> <% if @isActiveGdm %> <% else %> <% end %> <% k = k+6 %> <% end %>
Sl.No. Code Item Godaam Serial UOM HSN Quantity Rate Value Disc.% / Disc.Amt. IGST% / IGST Amt. CGST% /CGST Amt SGST% / SGST Amt. Net Value
<% end %>